January 2010. I have just dropped the last letter on my Phd thesis. It is time for the dedication. It was already clear who I wanted to dedicate these years of efforts, joys and hardships. Probably it was so clear within me, that words came out of my hands in a few seconds.
My wife liked them and I decided to put these words together with a picture and print it on a big frame for her birthday gift. What picture could have been more appropriate than cheering flute glasses, a picture I took at the very beginning of my Phd?
For a high-res version of the image or just the original picture with the flute glasses, contact me please.
to Him
who is so immense
to hold the universe within the span of His hand
who is so wise
to create in a blink all the things that we are striving to understand
and those that we will never discover
who came to look for me
well before I could even think of finding Him
who gave to my heart the first biological beat
and to my life the first eternal breath